Save money by optimizing resources with desk sharing
Desk sharing, a key part of the new work world and an ideal concept for hybrid work models, has many advantages. Many companies are relying on the concept to increase employee satisfaction, while others are using it to promote a modern corporate culture.
Most companies, however, choose the concept to benefit from the financial advantages.

Save money with the savings calculator

Desk sharing ensures employees do not claim a desk as their own. Workspaces are flexibly shared between employees. Companies can use a hot desking software to manage this new aspect of organization. Since office workspaces are shared, fewer workspaces are needed and areas that have been underused in the past can now be repurposed. Fewer workspaces also means less office equipment. Even the amount of office space needed is reduced. All in all, using desk sharing to optimize resources can help realize cost savings of up to 30%.
The savings calculator included with the YOUR SPACE hot desking solution calculates the potential savings that could be realized using our software.